SLIM World Vision

Company: World Vision
Year Built: 2016
Planet Kodiak tasks: Complete site architecture, WordPress development, SSO, page builder via Visual Composer, publishing workflow, content migration, security
Technologies Used: WordPress, Visual Composer, PHP, HTML5, jQuery, REST, CDN

World Vision’s SLIM project was to completely revamp the main website using a page builder for quick page development. The project involved assessing many different page builders which ultimately ended in choosing Visual Composer.

The site included a dynamic homepage with real-time sponsorship data being displayed on a map with the general locations of both the sponsor and the child. It also included a content hub with extensive publishing workflow.

Rejuvenating the child sponsorship page was a must, so we included a multi-child, multi-view redesign of our experience.

We redid our entire site search by integrating GSE (Google Custom Search Engine).

We also added a new CDN and WAF for security.