Company: Planet Kodiak
Year Built: 2022
Planet Kodiak tasks: Design, Coding, Game design, gif animations, UX, Game Engine design, level creation, custom algorithms
Technologies Used: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Google Analytics
PK Games was started as an experiment to help my son learn how to code. He had great ideas for video games he wanted to create, but he needed to learn programming first. I taught him the basics of JavaScript and he started making games. To help inspire him, I created a few games based on his ideas. He would then go on to create his own similar games.
The first game is a simple “tag” game. Two people on the same keyboard can control a couple of blocks and chase each other. This was used to teach my son how to do basic input detection and create a collision script. I wrote 100% of the code.
The second game was a simple racing game. Make it to the end without hitting a rock! I wrote desktop and mobile controls. I wrote all code except jquery library and confetti animation.
Third game was similar to the racing game. Skydive and try to dodge all obstacles: birds and hot air balloons. I wrote desktop and mobile controls. I wrote all code except jquery library.
The fourth game was a much bigger game. Where the other games took days to build, this took months! Mechs on Planet Kodiak is a callback to the old Mechwarrior and MechCommander games from the 90s and early 2000s. I created an entire engine with collision controls, window tracking, winning/losing, obstacles, enemies, allies, projectiles, life meters, desktop controls, advanced mobile controls, and complex enemy NPC attack algorithm. I assembled many different level graphics, character graphics, and obstacle graphics from online sources, in some cases created my own graphics and animations. I wrote 100% of the code for the entire game using no libraries or frameworks—only writing vanilla JS and CSS.
Finally, I wrote a simple Snake game. It has mobile and desktop controls and keeps track of your high scores in local storage.